A Filter For Social Media

A Filter For Social Media

A filter for social media. A filter for all forms of communication and action. A filter for living life. Is it true? Is it positive? Is it useful? Living by these three tenets makes for a less-stressful social media experience for sure, but lately I’ve been trying to...
My New Friend Roy

My New Friend Roy

I’ve a new friend, his name is Roy. I have a photo of Roy and me together both smiling like old friends just a few minutes after meeting, although Roy and I were not smiling at one another a few minutes earlier — it could have been a much unhappier moment at the...
People Under Pressure Produce…

People Under Pressure Produce…

Each of us ultimately is just a pile of carbon. In grade 8 science class Mr. Lenton taught us that all living things are carbon based. He did so with a very memorable (albeit disturbing) story involving his neighbour’s annoying cat and a ‘stakeout’ with...
The High Road

The High Road

The Canadian Mortgage Brokers Association asked for a few words on Brokering, I was lucky enough to have the piece selected for the 2017 Summer edition of Canadian Mortgage Broker. An Excerpt: Always Take the High Road! As with many things in life, this old adage is...