Who Will Blink First?

Who Will Blink First?

This video is content from the day before, July 12th. The written post below is ~60hrs of thinking & writing since the news of the 1% hike dropped. ***Updated July 19th*** Why a 1% hike on July 13th? What will happen on Sept 7th? What about between now and then?...
Am I Getting Sued?

Am I Getting Sued?

The short answer to this question is; probably not. Often, in this business, we have moments where we think we may’ve made, or are part of, a terrible mistake. A costly mistake. Our minds immediately go to the worst case scenario. IE – my clients have a $100,000...
#mindset matters

#mindset matters

Consider the following; In the 1950’s some people invested their savings, went into debt even, to install what in their backyards? A. Bomb Shelters or B. Swimming Pools In the same decade, year, month, week, on the same street, there existed simultaneously two...
Move Fast & Fix Things

Move Fast & Fix Things

The idea to ‘move fast and fix things’ runs contrary to a well known quote by a well known billionaire, (no not that guy, the other one) an individual one might say has broken many things, important things. Here in mortgage world many things are already...