Forget Multi-Tasking, Be A Single-Tasker!

The word “priorities” rose from obscurity 50 years ago, but we’re fooling ourselves if we think focus can be on more than one thing at a time. A true priority will consume 100% of our resources at any given time, even if just for a moment.

Oxfords Definition; The quality of being earlier or coming first compared to another thing. first.

We can only make eye contact, or mental contact, or a genuine deep connection, with one person at a time. People are not something to multi-task with – we know when we are not the priority. When we are not ‘the one’.

Be a Single-Tasker.

There are many relationships to manage in a day, family, friends, co-workers, clients, referral partners, lenders, lawyers, appraisers, the barista, etc. – the world at large. But let’s talk about the most important relationship you’ve got, not the one with your parents, your partner, or even your children. Ask any airline flight attendant and they’ll back me up on the suggestion that the most important relationship you have is the one with yourself— after all, in the event of an emergency, who do you place the oxygen mask on first?

If you fail to take care of yourself first, you fail to take care of anyone else.

Have I felt guilt for going to the gym at 8pm on a weeknight, or a Bikram class at 8am on a Sunday morning, or an hour’s ride in the woods? Yes, I have. After all my to-do list, like your own, is never ta-done!

Other people are counting you and I to deliver. But if we fail to stay healthy, fresh, and mentally sharp, then how will we serve those who depend on us?

A subpar version of our best-self is unacceptable.

So laser in on one thing at a time, and make sure that one thing is you – for at least 60minutes every single day!