Brokers & Realtors – this post is for you.

Dates Matter.

It’s Nov 18th, 2022 and there’s 26 business days left… (arguably 29)

Dec 21 is the target date for final closings of 2022.
For smooth closings that is.

This allows 2 business days to fix any issues, before being bumped to Dec 28 – which is the middle of a 3-day workweek which will see little work done.

90% of offices being 90% empty on the 28th, 29th, and 30th.

Leaving you to white-knuckle a Dc 23rd hiccup all the way through to Jan 3 – the next point at which you will get live person on the phone.

I’m asking you to do this one thing for your clients, their family, for yourself, and for your family… create a margin for error.
Close on or before Dec 21st

What about 2023 closings?

Jan 11 is the ideal target date for first closing of 2023. For a smooth closing anyways.

Pressing for peak performance in week-52 or week-1 of any year is poor planning.

You may be a superstar, you may not observe any of the 3 stat holidays in those ten days, four of which are weekend days, but the odds are that many of the people you rely on for smooth closings will be observing those holidays.

Conveyance teams

To target Jan 3 as a closing date it to is target a date with just 3 business days in the ten days leading up to it.

And those 3 days are not going to be highly effective days.

A Jan 3, 4, 5, 6 closing date needs to be 100% perfect by Dec 23 – and ideally already signed at the lawyers by Dec 23.

Otherwise there’s no room to fix any issues that arise.

Create a margin for error.
Start your closings for 2023 on Jan 11th