The Four Ingredients

The Four Ingredients

BELIEFDETERMINATIONACTIONDISCIPLINE – A.K.A. Constant Spaced Repetition Step One: Belief Belief boils down to three little words: clarity of purpose. Clarity of purpose is crucial. Do you know why you are doing what you are doing? Do you believe wholeheartedly in...
Journaling: A Mind’s Best Friend

Journaling: A Mind’s Best Friend

There’ve been numerous studies (sorry, no links to any) that confirm a connection with both learning new information and processing experiences through putting pen to paper and writing things down. I write… a lot, much of it on a keyboard. However...
What If Interest Rates Quintuple?

What If Interest Rates Quintuple?

We shall go no further than this final post on this theme. The point is made. Over the past three posts we’ve looked at (increasingly) extreme rising interest rate scenarios through the lens of household mortgage payment. Specifically, what happens to the average...
What If Interest Rates Quintuple?

What If Interest Rates Quadruple?

Welcome to part 3 in an escalating series of ‘what if’s’. Please Note; I’m personally skeptical we will see any significant interest rate hikes over the next five years. (significant being more than 1% – 2%). And given that borrowers were/are qualified at a...