“You cannot shake hands with a clenched fist.” —Gandhi Let’s discuss self-control. You need to invest time and energy into understanding why you react the way you do to certain stressors. You would be wise to study such topics as the brain (ideally your own),...
Keep Your Clunker

Keep Your Clunker

In Volume 1, Chapter 8, “Suit Up and Show Up,” we covered the importance of personal appearance. And as a longtime “car guy,” I can assure you that I searched long and hard for the justification within brokering to own a nice set of wheels. I can argue...

Don’t Cold Call

Few among us look forward to making cold calls. We know what it’s like to be on the receiving end. When someone cold-calls me, he is intruding on my life without an invitation. He is interrupting whatever I may be doing. This can bring out a side of me that is abrupt,...