Consistency & Committment

Consistency & Committment

The following relates to the stock market, yet the fundamentals apply to many things in life -including the business of Brokering. The odds of a positive return on investment (ROI) in the stock market reflect the odds of success when you pick up the phone and ask for...
Questions, A Recap

Questions, A Recap

Two hours prior to recording this video my day started an hours drive from where I needed to be for the shoot, but something was off. Way off. I had a high fever, muscle aches, upset guts, and one of the first headaches I’ve ever had in my life. The cough was...
Question #13

Question #13

Q13. 9. What Am I ‘The Best’ At? . Bonus Q’s Is ‘the best’ an objective or subjective measurement? Who’s better than me? Can I learn from them? Would OK actually be OK? Can I be better? Outsource?...
Question #12

Question #12

Q12. Why do people deal with me? . Bonus Q’s Am I kind? Am I likeable? Am I professional? Am I well marketed? Am I positioned as the expert? How can I level up all of the above? DW
Question #11

Question #11

Q11. Would I hire me? . Bonus Q’s Would I work for me? How am I affecting my staff? How am I limiting their growth? Where can I invest in self-improvement? DW
Question #10

Question #10

Q10. Who Should I Fire? . Bonus Q’s Can I act fast? Can I overpay severance? Am I blowing up my social circle? Am I blowing up Thanksgiving dinners? Why didn’t I do this a year ago, when I….? Can I replace what this person does for me? Can I tolerate...
Question #9

Question #9

Q9. Who should I hire? Bonus Q’s A close confidant? (*too close?) A family member? A friend? No one at all? A contractor? Someone to do ‘life’ things for me, rather than business things? DW P.S. If you’re interested in AI please check out THIS...
Question #8

Question #8

Q8. Am I managing my time, myself, my energy effectively? . Bonus Q’s Am I productive? Who can be objective? Can I handle the truth? Will I shoot the messenger? Is there a stranger I can leverage? DW