This post is meant for you to forward to at least one other Broker you know (and so on).

The topic of the day in most offices over the past week or two is FICOM’s push for an enhanced Form 10.

For an excellent nuts-and-bolts review on the details as they develop, the very logical arguments against, and the why’s, please review Robert McLister’s excellent coverage at

The point of this post is to encourage engagement on an important issue facing mortgage Brokers.

It also answers a question I have been asked more than once; Why do you belong to both MBABC and CAAMP?

MBABC speaks for Brokers and is powered by its 1000+ provincial members.

CAAMP speaks for Brokers and is powered by its 11,000+ national members, 9,900 of whom are Brokers.

Why not back both organisations? Each is speaking up for the benefit of the consumer and the benefit of the 18,000 Mortgage Brokers in Canada.